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TYLER DANVERS: My life has been one of horror and death. I was taken away by my abusive mother, and tormented until I was finally saved by my cousins. Ever after that, I could never get away from it. I had hoped the death of Josie Hatchet would end all of it, only to realize I had never been so wrong in my life. He is back, and this time he will not retreat. He’s punished and murdered nearly everyone I know for what? Just for being around me? There is only person responsible cause of all this death and devastation, and I know him.

He will not stop. He does not rest anymore, he does not relent, and he does not show mercy...he only punishes.




Wrath of the Punisher

Plot and Setting[]

Two years after the events of the previous season, the Punisher and Kirby have been recruited into LOGS and are enacted their final push to complete their mission with Zombie. Sidney and Tyler have become the center targets this time, and both will lose many loved ones in their pursuit of survival. By the end, Tyler must make a final decision of whether to stay with his sisters, or go with the Punisher, and Sidney faces a horrifying truth.


Returning Characters[]

Kara Danvers
KARA DANVERS (20): The final girl of the series. Since Josie's death, Kara has officially started a relationship with Mon-el, but declined his offer to go into Surfack, wanting to be in peace. When the Punisher returns, however, he focuses more on Kara, and she will be under as much pressure as Tyler to choose a side.
Alex Danvers
ALEX DANVERS (29): The secondary final girl of the series. With Bill dead, Alex has become the legal guardian of both Tyler and Alex. She has not been recovering well from Maggie's death, and has found herself unwilling to date again. Alex puts her remaining love in Kara and Tyler, and when the Punisher returns, she will do everything she can to keep them safe.
TYLER DANVERS (12): Tyler has been continuing to live with Alex and Kara since Bill's death, while still making contact with Winn. He hopes to forget about the Punisher, who quickly makes it clear that will not happen on his watch. Tyler will lose many loved ones, and will be forced to choose between his family and Surfack, or the Punisher.
SIDNEY PRESCOTT (37): Sidney has moved permanently into Midvale, as well as Gale and Judy, and has decided to settle down there. Still, Sidney has never lowered her guard in case if Zombie returns. When Zombie does return, Sidney faces one final challenge, one worse than anything she has seen in all her years of horror.
GALE RILEY (43): Since Dewey's death, Gale has started to lose interest in journalism and started settling down in Midvale, along with Judy and Sidney. However, after the killers return, Gale is determined to get justice for Dewey with the help of her two best friends, but finds that, as before, she and the others are no longer immortal.
JUDY HICKS (34): Since Dewey's death, Judy has started a new police career in Midvale, hoping to keep memory of him in this way, making her partners with Alex. Judy has also bonded even more with Gale, trying to help her with her writer’s block, and when the killers return, she will do everything in her power to help her get justice for Dewey.
Winn Schott
WINN SCHOTT (36): Winn has been pretty well compared to the other survivors, unlike last time. His relationship with Judy has been going steady and the two have been bonding very well. He has never seen the Punisher, but his return could change all of that.
MIKE "MON-EL" MATTHEWS (22): Mon-el has officially started his relationship with Kara, but has been unable to convince her to join Surfack. He has been working on and off in Surfack, and has become the legal guardian of Beverly, now that she has nobody else to watch over her. When the Punisher returns,
Beverly Marsh
BEVERLY MARSH (15): Beverly has been bonding more with Tyler since her dad's death, but has been saddened that Josie turned out to be Ghostface. She also now lives with Mon-el, who became her legal guardian following Alvin’s death. When the Punisher returns, Beverly will not get a lucky break from him as she did last time, and will struggle to keep Tyler away from LOGS.

New Characters[]

The Kingpin
THE KINGPIN/WILSON FISK (52): Wilson Fisk is the co-leader of LOGS alongside Akanthus, and puts himself in charge of making sure the Punisher is worthy of LOGS. He will mostly be on the sidelines for the season, watching the Punisher's progress. Fisk also has several children, who will be introduced.
General Akanthus
GENERAL AKANTHUS (??): Akanthus is a large tall man, wearing a suit of armor, and is co-leader of LOGS alongside Fisk. Akanthus has a relation to Zombie and was in charge of making him recruit the Punisher. Now, Akanthus watches over Zombie, waiting to strike if he gets in trouble. A major revelation about him will be revealed near the end.
James Wesley
JAMES WESLEY (48): Wesley is Fisk's personal bodyguard and longtime friend. He is manipulative and gives Fisk and Akanthus advice whenever they need it. Wesley plays a relatively minor role in the story, but will commit a shocking kill in the end, and be more active in other stories.

Episode Summaries[]

Episode 1[]

Right after the events of the first season, the Punisher and Kirby are brought to the LOGS Headquarters and are forced to go through several trials to prove themselves.

Episode 2[]

Two years later, the survivors are living their normal lives again, when the Punisher kidnaps two of them. Tyler is alerted of this and forced to choose who dies.

Episode 3[]

A flashback reveals a dispute with the Punisher and Fisk. Tyler is heartbroken from his decision and has to be comforted by Kara and Beverly. Meanwhile, Mon-el overhears a meeting involving the Punisher.

Episode 4[]

Mon-el reveals some history about Akanthus and Fisk, which makes the survivors worried. Meanwhile, Zombie and the Punisher murder a survivor, and Kirby has a run in with Sidney.

Episode 5[]

Gale and Sidney investigate the latest clue about Zombie’s identity, while Alex decides to try to teach Tyler and Beverly how to fight. Afterwards, a kidnapping is made by the Punisher.

Episode 6[]

Three survivors go on a mission to rescue the kidnapped survivor, which is impeded by all three killers. In the end, only two of them escapes, and the other is met with a tragic death.

Episode 7[]

Zombie finally has his final showdown with Sidney, who is ready to kill him to avenge Gale and all of her friends. Zombie is finally revealed, as well as many secrets, leading to an epic final battle.

Episode 8[]

After a week-long break, the Punisher and Kirby accelerate their killing spree and take out a major survivor. Meanwhile, Wesley visits a survivor to offer hints of the Punisher’s identity.

Episode 9[]

Learning of the latest death, the remaining survivors all ban together to confront Kirby and the Punisher, who is finally revealed. After the final battle, Fisk sends Wesley on a shocking mission.

Episode Detailed Summaries[]

Episode 1[]

We open about an hour and a half after the ending of season 2, with the Punisher, Kirby Reed, General Akanthus and Zombie arriving at the LOGS headquarters in a limousine. Akanthus welcomes the killers to MOUNT MASSIVE ASYLUM, which he explains is LOGS secret headquarters. The Punisher states this place looks familiar, but he can’t put his hands on it. Akanthus states that the Punisher will recognize it when he meets the co-leader. At the gate, they encounter two black brothers armed with swords guarding the entrance named WALTER AND SCOTT. Akanthus reveals that they are the sons of another LOGS leader, with Scott being the younger one. Walter and Scott lift up their swords and allow them to pass.

Akanthus then leads the others inside the facility, where Kirby remarks that it is a huge place. Akanthus says that this isn’t called their headquarters for nothing. As they walk, the Punisher asks how they got their hands on a place like this. Akanthus explains that after Tarvender feel apart, there was somewhere that the survivors needed to retreat, and an abandoned mental asylum sounded perfect for the job. He says that “There was also an underground lair we had in the sewers, about an hour and a half away from here that we had. That is, until someone took it for himself and changed the scanner” This makes the Punsiher realizes that the lair he has been using belonged to Tarvender.

Akanthus admits that this is what got him and “the other boss” interested in him. The Punisher asks who this other boss is, and Akanthus stands “You’ll know when you see him” Akanthus proceeds to unlock a gate leading to the prison’s exercise yard, where they find Wilson Fisk lifting weights. Upon seeing Fisk, the Punisher says “Well, well, well, look who it is” Fisk turns to the Punisher and says “I see that you got my message. Welcome back” It’s clear that the two KNOW EACH OTHER. Was the Punisher a former Tarvender as well? The Punisher says that it’s been a while, and Fisk says the same. Fisk asks how much he missed Tarvender. The Punisher tells Fisk that he severed all ties he had with both Surfack and Tarvender after his “accident”

He adds that Fisk has some great daughters. Fisk explains that Walter and Scott have trained pretty much their whole lives to be worthy LOGS members, so they are about the best in the cult. Kirby tells the Punisher that they have to stay here, and there’s no way they can just leave an entire cult of serial killers behind. Fisk tells Kirby that he is more of a mastermind rather than a killer, though he doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty, as he did with Josie. Kirby thanks him for killing “Dullface” for her. Fisk tells the Punisher that he knows about his goal with Tyler, and the Punisher asks “And your point is?”

Fisk tells the Punisher that he’s going to need somewhere to run away with Tyler, and here is much better than an underground sewer system. Zombie also mentions that Tyler would probably like it better here anyway. The Punisher thinks about this offer. He asks if there is a catch. Fisk tells the Punisher that he needs to make sure he is still worthy and says that there four tests him and Kirby need to take to prove they are perfect for LOGS. Kirby says that she and the Punisher are absolutely perfect. Fisk hands them both sheets of paper and tells him to write down their motivations, best kills they have committed, and their future plans.

We cut to about ten minutes later, when Fisk is reviewing Kirby and the Punisher’s written essay. He states that he is impressed with their goals and motivations, and that both of them could be of use to them. Kirby asks if that was the only trial. Akanthus says that if it was, they would have amateur killers who did not prove themselves physically first. Fisk then brings them to their next trial. He takes them to a shooting range outside, where James Wesley is waiting. Wesley introduces himself as Fisk’s bodyguard, advisor and personal friend. He tells Kirby and the Punisher that their next trial is to see how good they are with guns, and hands each them a rifle.

Wesley asks them to get as many perfect shots on the dummies, which are considerably far away, as they can in one minute. The Punisher and Kirby shoot the dummies. Kirby is more reckless in firing, but does a few perfect shots, while the Punisher is more careful in aiming and gets many pefect shots. Once the one minute is up, Wesley congratulates the Punisher and tells Kirby to be more careful next time. Kirby says that she’ll shoot where she wants to. Fisk advises her to be careful, as arrogance is a weakness easily exploited. Akanthus and Fisk then take Kirby and the Punisher for their next trial. The Punisher asks what is up this time.

Fisk tells them that he wants to see how well they do in torturing people and takes them to a cell, where there is an unknown man strapped to a torture table. The Punisher asks who this guy is. Akanthus tells them that this survivor is a main leader of Surfack, and is a highly vauled target. Akanthus explains that this survivor has parted ways from the others, making him the easiest to abduct. Fisk orders the Punisher and Kirby to torture the survivor to death by their cruelest means, and they will be watching. Akanthus and Fisk then leave the room. The Punisher and Kirby take some torture tools from tables surrounding the survivor.

The Punisher asks the survivor what he is so special for. The survivor says that he’s survived a lot worse than the Punisher, which makes him chuckle. He tells the survivor that he has experienced nothing like him, before taking out a pair of pliers. The Punisher uses the pliers to yank out of the survivor’s fingernails, one by one, which is extremely painful. The survivor resists screaming for two of the fingernails, but gives in for the rest. In the security room, Fisk and Akanthus lean back in chairs, with Zombie beside them. Akanthus says that the Punisher really hasn’t lost his touch after all. Zombie says that they haven’t seen Kirby yet.

As the last fingernail is ripped off, Kirby asks the survivor if he is still feeling tough. The survivor tells Kirby and the Punisher to go fuck themselves. Kirby says “sure” and kisses the Punisher on the lips, which gets Fisk and Zombie to laugh slightly. The Punisher stops the kiss and explains that it was meant as an insult, not to have sex. Kirby tells the survivor that it’s very rude to insult a lady, before repeatedly smacking and slapping the survivor. Fisk says that he’s seen better. Kirby then bites the survivor on the arm, hard enough to draw blood. Akanthus says “She’s a feisty girl, I like it” Fisk and Zombie nod in agreement.

The Punisher and Kirby then take out axes and proceed to dismember the survivor’s arms, legs and head. The unknown male survivor (who will be introduced in trilogy 3) is dead. Fisk, Zombie and Akanthus all clap. Zombie says that Akanthus was wise to make him go down to Midvale and recruit them. Fisk says that there is yet one more trial Kirby and the Punisher must take. He goes down to the torture chamber and congratulates Kirby and the Punisher, before taking them to their final trial. Kirby asks what is next, and Fisk replies “your near certain deaths” The trio arrive at the mental ward, which is a hallway with about seven deranged and very dangerous mental patients.

As the Punisher and Kirby enter, Fisk stands behind and then locks the door on them. The Punisher asks “What the hell is this?” Fisk explains that when Kirby was busted out of the mental institution, they took some of her more violent patients with her. Their final trial is to survive the onslaught of the deranged lunatics, though they are locked up in cells. Akanthus then presses a button that unlocks all of the cells in the hallway, while Kirby and the Punisher are locked inside. As Fisk leaves, he mentions that pretty much all killers that took this trial were slaughtered, and bids them “Good luck” The lunatics charge toward Kirby and the Punisher, intending to beat them to death.

Kirby and the Punisher take out their knives, but only find small shivs (a small type of knife), which makes them realize Fisk switched their weapons. The Punisher punches the first lunatic in the face and stabs Lunatic #2 in the forehead, killing him. Lunatic #5 stabs the Punisher in the arm with a shiv, but the Punisher sucks it up and yanks away their shiv, which he uses to slit the Lunatic #5’s throat, killing him. Meanwhile, Kirby gets swarmed and repeatedly punched by Lunatics 3 and 4. Kirby kicks Lunatic #3 in the groin and stabs Lunatic #4 in the groin, then twice in the chest, killing him. Kirby then picks up a nearby mop handle, which has a sharp edge, and stabs it into Lunatic #4’s face, killing him. This leaves only Lunatics 1, 6 and 7.

Lunatic #6 stabs the Punisher in the chest with his shiv. The Punisher headbutts Lunatic #6 and slowly pulls the shiv out of his chest, even though it hurts to do it. After he finishes, the Punisher is kicked in the face by Lunatic #7, the biggest of the Lunatics. Lunatic #7 repeatedly punches the Punisher in the face, with blood falling out of his mouth. This ends when the Punisher pokes Lunatic #7 in the eye, agonizing him, and grabs a shiv off the ground, which he uses to stab Lunatic #7 twice in the throat, killing him. Meanwhile, Kirby grabs a nearby fire extinguisher, while being attacked by Lunatic #1. Kirby bashes Lunatic #1 with the fire extinguisher, knocking him down, and completely bashes his head in. Lunatic #1 is dead, leaving only Lunatic #6.

Lunatic #6 tackles the Punisher and tries strangling him, but Kirby runs up and stabs and slits his throat. This causes Lunatic #6’s blood to fall all over the Punisher. The Punisher and Kirby then stab Lunatic #6 to death, gutting him in the process. As the Punisher gets up, Kirby, who is drenched in blood, asks if the Punisher liked that. The Punisher, who is also drenched in blood, remains silent. Kirby notices that the blood has formed a skull shape on the Punisher’s torso. Akanthus and Fisk then appear and unlock the gate. Fisk congratulates Kirby and the Punisher for slaughtering all of the Lunatics, and announces that they have passed the final trial. The blood drenched Punisher simply stares at Fisk. (NOTE: If you’re wondering where this scene was inspired from, click on this link: [1]).

We cut to sometime later in Fisk’s office, where Kirby and the Punisher are no longer drenched in blood (though they are still injured), and are meeting with Akanthus, Zombie and Fisk. Zombie tells Kirby that she’s come a long way since they first met, and welcomes her into LOGS. The Punisher asks what happens now that they are officially in the cult. Fisk says that for now, they might rest in the shadows and wait for the right time to strike. Kirby says that she simply can’t wait to kill again. Akanthus reminds Kirby that she and the Punisher just slaughtered a gang of lunatics. Kirby giggles and yells that it was so much fun. Fisk says that for now, the Punisher and Kirby will be under LOGS, and when the time comes, he promises that the Punisher will have Tyler all to himself. The Punisher shakes hands with Fisk, as does Kirby.

Kirby says that there is one thing left and asks the Punisher how he knows Fisk. The Punisher admits that he has a past with Tarvender and Surfack, and reveals that he defected from Surfack and joined Tarvender in the middle of the war between them. Fisk explains that the Punisher was one of his most reliable assets, and it almost won the war, almost. The Punisher adds that he’s assumed a new identity and stayed hidden ever since, until Tyler came to town. Akanthus says that this reminds him of a suggestion he has for the Punisher. He advises him that in his final killing spree, the Punisher should fake his death. The Punisher says that he will consider it. As he resumes his backstory, we cut to black.

Episode 2[]

We open on Mount Massive Asylum about two years later, where Kirby is sword fighting with Walter. This is witnessed by the Punisher and Fisk, who have made a bet to see who would win a sword fight. Nyssa is obviously a very skilled combatant, though after two years, Kirby has some tricks of her own. She tries kicking the sword out of Walter’s hands, but she has a very firm grip. Eventually, Nyssa disarms Kirby and holds her throat to her throat. Kirby is forced to raise her hands in surrender. Since he lost the bet, the Punisher is forced to hand over $50 to Fisk, who remarks that anyone who challenges Walter, since he's the older brother, particularly to a sword fight, is doomed to lose.

Kirby rolls her eyes, while Nyssa high fives Scott, who was also watching the fight. Just then, Akanthus comes in. He tells Kirby and the Punisher the day has finally come. He says that now, it is time for them to head back to Midvale to finish what they started, along with Zombie. Kirby says that it took them long enough. The Punisher says that this time, there will be no way that Tyler will remain separated from his true family, which he will make sure of. Akanthus asks the Punisher if he remembers their plan to ensure nobody suspects him. The Punisher nods, adding that he isn’t suspected anyway. He and Kirby leave the asylum with Zombie. Fisk watches them go. Akanthus asks for authorization to intervene if Zombie loses the final showdown, which Fisk permits.

We cut to the Danvers household, where Alex, Tyler and Kara are marking the 2nd anniversary of Bill’s murder. On each anniversary, they say some words to a picture of Bill. Kara asks who would like to go first, and Alex volunteers. She tells Bill that she’s been honoring his last request and taking care of Kara and Tyler. She says that they will live wonderful lives, and it’s all thanks him and Elisa for sacrificing themselves. Alex tells Bill that she will never forget him. Kara volunteers to go next. She thanks Bill for being the father that they needed and for suggesting that the Supergirl costume was the perfect one for her on Halloween (which is how she first got it).

She adds that thing she will remember the most about him is how he was a major Negan fan. Kara promises him that if the Punisher comes back, he will get Lucilled. Tyler goes up last. He tells Bill that although he knew him the least, he still misses him. Tyler apologizes for turning his back on him and says that he was great adoptive dad to have around. He tells Bill that he is honoring his last wishes to find a family that he really loves, and he declares Kara, Alex and Winn to be his family. Tyler tells Bill that his placing is his uncle, and he won’t forget him. Tyler, Kara and Alex all hold hands in respect for Bill. Afterwards, Tyler asks Alex to drive him somewhere, so he can get this sadness out of his mind.

We cut to Beverly’s home, where we find out that she is now staying with Mon-el, who is now her legal guardian following Alvin’s death. Mon-el tells Beverly that it’s time to play “Real or not real”, which is a confessional game. Mon-el asks Beverly “You like me as your legal guardian, real or not real?” Beverly replies “real” and mentions that she would have bashed Mon-el’s head with the toilet lid a long time ago if she didn’t. Mon-el chuckles. Beverly asks him “You dig Kara when she is in the Supergirl costume, real or not real?” Mon-el chuckles again and admits that he does. Beverly says that a lot of girls tend to look cute in costumes. Mon-el then tells Beverly it’s time for a more serious question.

He asks “You would have liked Josie as your legal guardian, real or not real?” She hesitates before answering “real” Beverly reveals that she was going to ask Josie to become her new legal guardian before her reveal as Ghostface, which has shocked and saddened her. She admits that she thought Josie was her best friend before the reveal and was initially skeptical of Mon-el. Beverly then asks him another question: “You are pretending to like me like Josie did, real or not real” Mon-el replies “not real” and insists that he wouldn’t hurt her. Beverly thanks Mon-el for taking her in. Just then, the doorbell rings.

Mon-el answers it and finds Tyler on the other side. He asks if “today’s the day”, which Tyler confirms. Mon-el says that he’ll let Tyler and Beverly have their alone time, and they go up to the bedroom. Tyler and Beverly sit on the bed. Beverly tells Tyler that he was lucky to have a dad that he needed. Tyler adds that while Alvin was a major disappointment, he says that Mon-el has been great to her. Beverly says that even the Punisher would probably be a better dad than him. She asks if Tyler can to the “Real or not real” game with her, which Tyler agrees to. Beverly asks “You are happy with the life you have, real or not real?”

Tyler replies “Mostly real” He wishes that Bill were here to see this, and there never any murder sprees to begin with. Tyler then asks Beverly “You would do anything to see me happy, real or not real” Beverly replies “Super real” before adding that the day she met Tyler at the school met something for her. She says that when Tyler protected her from Greta, she saw something special in him. Tyler and Beverly begin to lean forward, as if about to kiss. Suddenly, the alarm clock in the room rings very loudly, spoiling their kiss. Beverly realizes that she set the alarm clock wrong, before punching it and causing it to stop loudly ringing. She announces that she hates alarm clocks, which makes Tyler chuckle.

Just then, Mon-el comes in and sees the destroyed alarm clock. He tells Beverly that most parents would ground their kids for destroying their alarm clock, but he’ll make an acceptation this time. Beverly says that if Mon-el repaired the alarm clock, she would likely end up stomping on it. Mon-el admits that he also destroyed an alarm clock when he was younger, and calls himself and Beverly “The clock breakers” He says that isn’t including Tyler because he never destroyed an alarm clock, and he’s already “Byler” with Beverly. Tyler says that is a good point. He tells them that he’s gonna go to Winn’s house next, and bids them goodbye. As Tyler leaves, Beverly tells Mon-el no more alarm clocks, which he agrees to.

We next cut to Gale and Judy, who are typing together on Gale’s laptop. Gale tells Judy that she is starting to give up hope of writing another book. Judy says that the Gale Weathers that she knows would never say something like that. Gale says that the Gale Weathers Judy knew died along with Dewey. She admits that she feels that her entire life is different without Dewey, and she actually misses their constant bickering about Gale’s safety, her books, and her attitude in general. Judy says that she understands what Gale is saying, despite how it hard it is to explain in words. She tells Gale that her life probably won’t be the same without Dewey, but that doesn’t mean it’s ruined.

Judy says that Gale always has her and Sidney to count on, as she has for the past two years. She then offers Gale a lemon square, saying that she made it extra well. Gale chuckles. She tells Judy that she no idea how tempted she is to say that it looks like ass right now. The women share a laugh. We next cut to Winn’s house, where Alex is driving Tyler to. Alex and Tyler go to and knock on the front door, which opens, revealing that it was unlocked. Tyler says that it’s unlike Winn to leave his door unlocked and asks that Alex remain beside him. They look around and call out for Winn, with no response.

Eventually, Alex finds him lying unconscious on the ground. Just then, she gets shot with a tranquillizer dart and falls unconscious. Tyler spins around toward the unseen shooter, who also shoots Tyler with a tranquillizer dart. Tyler then passes out and collapses alongside Alex and Winn. The shooter proceeds to drag the trio away, one at a time. We cut to sometime later. Tyler wakes up inside some kind of old industrial factory, where he is inside a small glass room, with a lever. A familiar voice tells Tyler that it’s been too long since they’ve been face to face. Tyler turns around to find the Punisher facing him.

The Punisher asks Tyler how he’s been. Tyler tries to run past him, but the Punisher blocks this. He tells Tyler to stop panicking. Tyler says that he can’t stop panicking because there is a serial killer in front of him. The Punisher says that he is a serial killer who wants the best for Tyler. The Punisher tells Tyler that he wants him in LOGS. Tyler, already knowing what LOGS is (from Alex and Kara), refuses to be part of a killing organization, saying that his family now is fine. The Punisher advises Tyler to look through the glass window behind him. Tyler does, and is horrified by what he sees.

He sees Alex and Winn being tied to a wall, with a large rusty saw blade pointed towards them. The Punisher tells Tyler that he is going to dismantle his family until he has only him left. Tyler asks why he can’t just leave them all alone. The Punisher says that he isn’t, not until Tyler is his, and his alone. He tells Tyler that he choose to be this way out of important decision making, and now Tyler needs to make an important decision. Tyler begs the Punisher to let them go. The Punisher points out the lever and tells him that if he pulls it to the left, Winn will die, while Alex will die if the lever is pulled to the right. He then orders Tyler to choose who dies, which he cannot.

Tyler asks if there is anyone the Punisher will leave alone. The Punisher replies “I met someone high up 2 years ago, and six months ago I tried to teach them a lesson. That didn’t work out, and I knew that we needed each other. So now, I know my limits, but this isn’t one of them” He then asks Tyler to choose. Tyler says that he loves Alex and Winn too much to choose. The Punisher starts counting from 15 and says that if doesn’t pick one by then, both Alex and Winn die. He adds that it doesn’t really matter because he will hunt down the other later.

As the Punisher reaches 10, Winn tells Tyler to choose him. Tyler says that he can’t. Winn tells Tyler that he understands that he can’t be the person that Tyler lives with, and he’s had a good life knowing that Tyler is in safe hands with the Danvers. Winn says that he won’t let that be ruined and orders him to pull the lever to the left. As Tyler struggles, the Punisher says “Three…Two…O-“At that moment, Tyler tearfully pulls the lever to the left, and the saw blade advances toward Winn, who tells Tyler not to look.

Tyler and Alex look away as the blade slices through Winn’s waist, with his blood splattering all over poor Alex (Tyler and the Punisher are shielded by the glass). Eventually, Winn is completely sawed in half. Winn Schott, season 1 survivor, father of Tyler Danvers, and boyfriend of Judy Hicks, is dead. The Punisher tells Tyler that this is only the beginning, and by the time this ends, Tyler will turn to him as the only family he has. Tyler bursts into tears over what has happened as the Punisher calmly walks away. Smash to black.

Episode 3[]

We open on a flashback taking place about six months before the season begins, at Mount Massive Asylum, where Fisk and the Punisher, who is now handcuffed and in his Jon Bernthal mask, are having an argument, with Kirby and Zombie watching. We come to realize that this is the going to be the event six months ago the Punisher talked about last episode with Tyler. When asked why he handcuffed the Punisher, Fisk says that he is just playing safe. He tells the Punisher that he is in charge of LOGS and he will decide when the Punisher goes on a killing spree. The Punisher gets into Fisk’s face and says that Fisk is not in charge here, and he’s already waited a year and a half. In response, Fisk chuckles. He tells the Punisher that they need each other, and goes on a monologue.

WILSON FISK: When I first found you during the war, I never thought we would meet again. I assumed that the stories that I read in the paper about your attacks on the small town of Midvale were…apocryphal. How could one man be capable of such…violence? Better yet, all of this just for a child? Then, however, I saw it with my own two eyes. When you were slaughtering those lunatics, I knew that all of the stories were true. When one comes across someone with such talent, with such a gift, well you don't let that go to waste. You also don’t let it go untamed or unleashed.

The Punisher replies, “No, no you don’t”, before headbutting Fisk, which makes him stagger. Fisk wipes his mouth and stares, making it official. IT’S A KILLER FIGHT! Fisk proceeds to punch the Punisher three times before the Punisher grabs his arm, knees him in the groin, and smacks his chained fists across his face three times. Despite being handcuffed, the Punisher is putting up a fight. Fisk is disoriented for a moment, but then lands a hard uppercut on the Punisher and headbutts him, which breaks his nose. Fisk then slams him on a table and pounds the absolute fuck out of him. Kirby looks on in shock and disappointment that the Punisher ultimately lost, though Zombie does not look surprised at all.

Fisk then orders Wesley, who was also watching, and two henchmen, to release the Punisher from his handcuffs. Wesley doesn’t question it, but the henchmen try to, only for Fisk to interrupt with “DO IT NOW!” Wesley then frees the Punisher, who finds the strength to stand back up, barely. Fisk walks up to him and tells him that the only way that “people like us” survive is by adapting. The Punisher replies “You have a point, but know this: next time this happens, only of us walks away” Fisk merely chuckles at the threat. Amused that the Punisher still has the guts to threaten him, Fisk says that he will put “this little episode” behind us. The bloodied and bruised Punisher simply stares in silence. (Note: Here is a link to see what the fight would mostly look like: [2]

We cut back to present day, with Tyler mourning over Winn’s death, and Alex is still tied up. The Punisher is exiting, and he meets up with Zombie and Akanthus outside the sewer tunnel, which leads to his lair. Above them, we see that there is a bridge that crosses above the tunnel. Crossing the bridge is Mon-el, who looks downward and notices the killer meeting. He decides to listen in to what they have to say. The Punisher informs Akanthus and Zombie that Winn is dead and that the killing spree is officially in motion, also mentioning that he left Alex and Winn behind at the factory. Mon-el’s eye contact is focused on Akanthus, and it’s clear that he recognizes him.

Upon hearing where Alex and Tyler are, Mon-el stops overhearing them and races to the factory. The Punisher also says that he had Kirby take the two halves of Winn’s corpse away, as a way of making sure he never gets to see the people that helped him grow up again. Zombie says that he likes that tactic, which he calls psychological, which Akanthus agrees with. We cut back to the industrial factory, where Judy is on the scene, taking questions from Alex about what happened, as Tyler is too devastated to answer anything. Kara, Gale, Sidney and Beverly have also come to the scene, meeting up with Mon-el. Mon-el tells them that he found Tyler and Alex here, called Judy, and that Winn is dead.

Kara admits that she didn’t have a personal friendship with Winn, but he was still a friend and Tyler must be devastated. Mon-el points to Tyler sitting on his own, and Kara and Beverly go over to him. Mon-el and Gale continue talking. Gale asks who he saw at the meeting. Mon-el tells her that he heard Kirby mentioned, and saw Zombie, the Punisher and Akanthus. Gale, having never heard of this name, asks who Akanthus is. Mon-el says that he’ll get to that later, and they gotta focus on the situation at hand. As they talk, Kara and Beverly approach Tyler, who momentarily stops his crying.

Tyler tells Kara and Beverly that this is his fault, which they disagree with. Tyler says the Punisher is doing all of this for him, and if he were never around, Winn would still be alive. Kara tells Tyler to look at her. When he doesn’t, Kara tilts Tyler’s head over to her. She tells Tyler that he isn’t responsible for anything that is happening. Beverly also tells Tyler that this what the Punisher wants him to think, and he can’t fall for it. Kara says that all of this is the Punisher’s fault, and he’s trying to make Tyler feel he has nowhere else to turn to, when in reality he has a family that loves him and won’t use him.

Tyler stays silent for a moment, then says that if he didn’t have Kara and Beverly around, he might have never found a like beyond his old abusive parents. He says that thanks to them, he has a family to live for. Tyler admits that his fear isn’t about being taken away to the Punisher’s life, but losing even more of his family. Kara holds hands with Tyler and tells him that Supergirl won’t let that happen. Beverly holds Tyler’s other hand and tells him that he has more than just family to look upon for help. Tyler cries on Kara’s shoulder, while Kara and Beverly pat his back for comfort.

We cut to the hotel, where Gale, Judy and Sidney are having a meeting. Judy is saddened by the fact that Winn is now dead, and is telling Sidney about how the killers are back. Gale says that she thought she hated Zombie, but now she is changing her mind toward the Punisher. She says that “Nobody makes my best friend cry, or worse, kills my husband, and gets away with it” Sidney says that it looks like the Punisher is not holding back this time, if he’s killed a major survivor this early. Judy says that, as before, there are three main killers to deal with: Kirby, Zombie and the Punisher. Sidney decides that they should first focus on Kirby and Zombie, in order to isolate the Punisher. Gale agrees that they should save the Punisher for last and get rid of any partners he might have.

Just then, Sidney’s phone rings. She sees that the ID is Unknown, puts it on speaker, and asks the caller what they want. The caller, who is revealed to be Zombie, says hello. Judy asks what he’s doing back here. Zombie says that he’s here to conclude unfinished business and tells Gale that they will not be fighting again, as he will be ending this with Sidney. Sidney says that all Zombie has to do to name a place and she’ll be there in a heartbeat. Zombie tells Sidney that it will come soon, but not before he makes another move on her. Sidney says that killers like Zombie are all the same: they all threaten her, kill some of her friends, and then get killed themselves.

Zombie tells Sidney that unlike them, he has actual experience in dealing with Sidney and has learned from his mistakes. This prompts Sidney to ask if Zombie is a past killer. Zombie says that he won’t give any spoilers, but tells her that “You should have made sure I stayed down”, before hanging up. The hint bewilders the three Woodsboro survivors. Judy says that all evidence points to him being a killer who survived his death. Sidney says that is absolutely impossible. Gale suggests a different idea, and wonders if it is a past victim that survived, blaming Sidney for their death. Sidney ponders about this.

She says that is unlikely, as she didn’t kill any of the victims. Gale says that it true, and proposes that she look up coroner reports from all murders in Woodsboro, see if she can find anything irregular about any of the deaths. Sidney says that she’ll take any lead she can get if it could help find out just who this bastard is. Gale leaves and says that she should have results by tomorrow morning. Judy and Sidney look at each other. Judy tells Sidney that if she doesn’t survive this, do her a favor and make sure Zombie stays dead this time. Sidney says that Zombie would have to get past Judy’s lemon squares to kill her, and that seems unlikely. They chuckle at the joke, though Judy is still sad.

We cut to the Danvers household, where Mon-el, Kara, Alex, Beverly and Tyler are all gathering. Tyler tells everyone that he would rather be left alone right now. Alex tells Tyler that they will all be downstairs if they need him, and he leaves. Mon-el tells Beverly, Alex and Kara that he saw the meeting with the Punisher, Zombie and Akanthus. He says that if it was really Akanthus that he saw, then he has some seriously bad news to share. Beverly asks how things could possibly get worse than they already are. Mon-el replies that things can always get worse, and reveals that he knows some things about LOGS' leadership. As he starts to speak, we cut to black.

Episode 4[]

We cut to shortly after the ending of the last episode, where Mon-el is getting ready to tell all that he knows about General Akanthus to Kara, Tyler, Alex, Beverly and Sidney, who has come over to hear this information to relay to Gale and Judy. Mon-el asks everyone if they’ve heard of “The four founding fathers?” Beverly asks if he is referring to the Founding Father of the United States, which he is not. Mon-el reveals that there were four founders to Tarvender, all those years ago, and two of them were Wilson Fisk and General Akanthus. He tells them that Fisk and Akanthus most likely worked together to form LOGS. Alex asks about the other two founding fathers.

Mon-el reveals that one of them is already dead (NOTE: This founding Father will be introduced in trilogy 2) and the other one is named RED SKULL (NOTE: He will appear in trilogy 3). Mon-el admits that Jyle had suffered severe injuries about 5 years ago and has never been seen since, with Jyle presumed dead. Sidney asks how much he knows about Akanthus. He explains that Akanthus’ identity sometimes goes by the code name “J.K.”, but he does not know what the letters stand for or his real name. Mon-el adds that Akanthus was leader of Tarvender’s forces during the war and was extremely dangerous.

Beverly says that if Akanthus is going to be in this killing spree, then it could get from bad to worse. Mon-el says that it is very unlike the Founding Fathers to go out in the open like this, and if they are lucky, he will only be around briefly. Sidney asks about Fisk. Mon-el states that he is the leading Founding Father of Tarvender and by far the smartest and most dangerous. He describes Fisk’s towering height and says that if he wanted to, he could probably defeat the Punisher in a fist fight. The prospect of someone even stronger than the Punisher frightens Tyler, who asks if this is even possible.

Mon-el explains that Fisk is a hulking, but very intelligent brute. He correctly assumes that Fisk has recruited the Punisher into LOGS, and that Punisher intends to take Tyler there with him, so that Tyler can become a serial killer like the Punisher. Kara comments that would be a smart move on the Punisher’s part, as it gives him a place for him and Tyler to hide out in. Beverly says that they gotta figure out how to stop the Punisher, not praise him for his tactics, with Kara agrees with. Mon-el gets back to the current killers at hand and asks for killer theories about the Punisher or Zombie.

Sidney says that she has Gale working on a potential lead on Zombie now. Kara and Alex say that they will try to think of something for the Punisher. Mon-el instructs everyone not to leave Tyler or Beverly alone at any time. Kara says that she likes it when Mon-el gets all “leader like” Mon-el thanks her for the comment and disperses the meeting. Sidney walks back to her apartment on her own. As she walks, she notices a rock being tossed from the side, which lands in front of her. Sidney turns to her side and sees Kirby waving at her from woods.

She runs after Kirby, who walks deeper into the woods. Sidney catches up to Kirby, who tells Sidney that she’s wanted this meeting a lot sooner than it came. Sidney tells Kirby that she needs to stop this. Kirby says that doesn’t want to stop, as she is having way too much fun. Sidney asks that she be reasonable and let her take her back to the mental facility. Kirby says she could pretend to accept the offer and then stab Sidney in the heart, but that would be way too quick. She also mentions that it was made clear a long time ago that Zombie would kill her.

Sidney asks Kirby who Zombie is, and she replies “No spoilers” She tells Sidney that she’s wanted a fight with her since the last time they met in that parking garage. Kirby asks that she not hold back, as that could make this boring. Sidney says that she kept on hoping that Kirby could be redeemed, but she’s going to stop deluding herself now. She tells Kirby that she’s going to keep her from hurting anyone else again. Kirby laughs and says that she would love to see Sidney try, before adding that “It’s STABBY TIME!” She runs at Sidney and slashes at her with her knife.

Sidney kicks Kirby in the hand, causing her knife to fly away. Kirby punches Sidney in the face and says that she just loves to ruin her fun, before saying that they will resort to “Punchy time” instead. She punches Sidney in the gut and face twice. Sidney dodges another punch and spin kicks Kirby in the face. She then tackles Kirby and smacks her repeatedly. Sucking up the pain, Kirby headbutts Sidney, which knocks her off of her. Kirby says that she noticed Sidney likes kicking, before spin kicking Sidney in the chest and face.

Sidney doesn’t stay down and pounces back up, doing a hard uppercut on Kirby. Kirby, pissed off, punches Sidney and claws her cheek with her nails. Sidney is surprised by this move, as she’s never used it or seen it in action before. She clutches her cheek in pain, which gives Kirby time to knee her in the chest. Sidney gets her focus back and kicks Kirby in the face. She then spin kicks Kirby across the face twice, which makes her lose a tooth. Kirby yells that that was her favorite tooth. Sidney says that pretty much all teeth look the same, and adds that Kirby has dozens more. Kirby announces that she’s finishing this, before trying to grab her knife, but Sidney elbows her in the face.

Kirby, realizing that Sidney is overpowering her, takes out a can of knockout gas. She sprays Sidney with it. As she passes out, Kirby says that she would love to finish her off, but admits that Zombie would slaughter her for taking the kill away from them. So, Kirby leaves the unconscious Sidney alone in the woods. We then cut to the apartment, where Judy is heading outside towards the parking lot. As she gets in her car, she notices something in the driver’s mirror. Judy looks closely and realizes that Zombie is hiding in the back seat. She jumps out of the car, but Zombie tackles her and gets a stab on her shoulder.

Sucking up the pain, Judy uses her other arm to get out her gun. As she is about to fire, the Punisher comes up from behind. He grabs Judy’s wrist and struggles for the gun. Zombie tells Judy that no amount of lemon squares can save her this time. Judy calls Zombie and the Punisher “fuckers”, before stating that the lemon square deputy will not be killed tonight. She puts up a fight, but the Punisher is clearly much stronger. He slowly inches the gun under Judy’s chin, and when it is in the right place, the Punisher pulls the trigger and Judy is shot through the head. Judy Hicks, Woodsboro survivor, and best friend of Gale Weathers-Riley, is dead.

Zombie and the Punisher high five. Zombie says that it’s too bad that he lost the coin toss that decided which one of them would kill Judy (which happened off-screen). The Punisher says that he will be sure to save Sidney and Gale for him. Zombie then takes out a walkie talkie and contacts Kirby, who has finished fighting Sidney at this point, and has gone back to the lair, where she is burning the two halves of Winn’s corpse. Zombie tells her that Judy is dead and asks if she left a note with Sidney to tell her of this, which she did. Kirby says that the only regret she has about doing this is not being able to see the look on Gale’s face. Zombie snickers and admits that he would love to see the look on her face too. Kirby and Zombie laugh together. The Punisher just shrugs and joins in. The killers laugh until we cut to black.

Episode 5[]

We open on the hotel’s parking lot shortly after Judy’s murder. Gale is diving up to the parking lot and notices some blood. When she decides to go see what is happening, she sees Judy’s corpse. Gale screams and turns her body upside. She begins trying to revive Judy with CPR, but with no success. Sidney, who has seen the note, comes up and also sees Judy dead. She then calls 911 before asking Gale if she hears a pulse. Gale eventually gives up, sees that Judy is dead, and cries over her best friend’s corpse. Sidney, also saddened by her old high school friend’s death, mourns with Gale.

We cut to about an hour later. Gale and Sidney are sitting together in a bench outside the hotel, which is temporarily closed as it is now a crime scene. Gale tells Sidney that losing Dewey was bad enough, but Judy is too much. Sidney says that she never thought she would be saying this, but Kirby, Zombie and the Punisher are even worse than Roman Bridger and Jill combined. Gale notices Sidney’s wounds and asks about what happened, and Sidney tells her about her fight with Kirby. Gale says that they are the only Woodsboro survivors left at this point, and admits she isn’t optimistic about their chances.

Sidney admits that she never felt this way before, but she feels as if she might actually die this time. She says that when Jill stabbed her in Kirby’s house six years ago, she clung onto confidence that she would survive. She adds that now, she is running out of confidence to cling to. Gale reminds Sidney that she sent her to find some information, and she may have a clue about Zombie. Sidney asks if she can check in about an hour, so they can some alone time to mourn Judy. Sidney and Gale agree to this and depart.

We cut to the Danvers household basement sometime later, where Alex is talking to Beverly and Tyler. At this point, they all know about Judy’s death, and Alex is taking them for an idea that she has. Beverly asks what she has in mind. Alex says that with both Judy and Winn dead, it is not going to be long before the Punisher starts directly targeting members of the Danvers family, or Beverly. Alex offers the chance to teach Beverly and Tyler how to fight. Beverly says that she already has some experience in that, and says that Tyler is likely the one who needs the training. Tyler admits that “To be honest, I’m about as tough as a noodle” Alex says that it’s time to change that.

She brings Tyler to a punching bag and gives him boxing gloves to wear. Tyler says that something about this just doesn’t feel right for him. Beverly tells Tyler that fighting is pretty much what every survivor does, and he’ll get used to it pretty quickly. Tyler says that he hopes Beverly is right. He starts punching the bag, which barely moves. Alex tells Tyler to hit it harder, which he does. The bag moves more, slightly. Alex tells Tyler to pretend that it’s the Punisher, but to no effect. Beverly says that she has a way better idea and tells Tyler to pretend the bag is Greta (the bully from season 2).

Tyler then punches much harder, with the bag significantly moving. As he does this, he says that nobody dumps trash over his girlfriend and gets away with it. Tyler realizes what he just said and stops boxing, as that’s the first time he ever called Beverly his girlfriend in front of her. He tries to think of some way to contradict what he said, but Beverly tells him “Tyler, just shut up” and pulls him into their first kiss. Alex claps and says that “Byler is just another word for beautiful” Tyler and Beverly giggle. Beverly says that Byler is actually another word for “Unpunishable”, as a way of mocking the Punisher.

We then cut to Gale and Sidney, who are meeting up again at the hotel (which is no longer a crime scene). Sidney asks Gale what she found, and she replies “You are not going to like this” Gale explains that she looked through all the deaths by murder in Woodsboro, and saw the coroner reports on dead characters from the four original killing sprees. Sidney asks what got her interested. Gale replies “You won’t believe me unless I show you” Gale shows her an article that says before the coroner could do a full autopsy, a body was stolen from Woodsboro hospital. Sidney asks whose body.

Gale reveals that the body stolen was CHARLIE WALKER. Sidney looks at the screen in shock. Gale asks how likely it would be that Charlie would be Zombie. Sidney thinks about this. She tells Gale that Charlie was the only killer in Woodsboro that was never related to her in any way, not biologically, not friends and they obviously never dated. Sidney questions how someone who isn’t related to her at all could hold a grudge, especially since she wasn’t even the one who killed him. Gale says that she make two conclusions out of this: Zombie is related to Charlie and wants revenge, or Zombie stole Charlie’s corpse to make them confused. Sidney says that option two is automatically working for Zombie at this point.

As Sidney and Gale ponder, we cut back to Mon-el’s house, where he gets a text message from Beverly to come pick her up from the Danvers household. Mon-el goes to get his keys, but finds them missing. He wonders if he left them in the garage and searches for them there, only to discover that his entire car is missing. It doesn’t take long for him to realize that somebody stole his car keys, and took his car. Mon-el tries to call Beverly, but by the time he does, Beverly already sees Mon-el car approaching outside the house. So, Beverly goes to the car, expecting to see Mon-el. When she gets into the back seat, however, she finds the Punisher waiting.

He grabs Beverly and holds her in place. The Punisher then tells Zombie, who is driving the vehicle, to head toward the sewer tunnels, while he takes care of “Little Bevvie” here. Angry at being called that name, Beverly does a backwards headbutt on the Punisher. The Punisher, infuriated, yanks Beverly’s hair and chokes her. He tells Beverly that he only went easy on her last time because he felt sorry for her, but now, her death is just about here. Beverly tells the Punisher that Tyler will never join the Punisher if he kills her. The Punisher says that once Tyler sees who he is, there will be no resisting. The Punisher then uses chloroform to shut up Beverly, who is trying to curse at the Punisher. He tells Zombie that this is going to be fun, which Zombie agrees with. Cut to black.

Episode 6[]

We cut to about an hour later, at the Punisher’s lair in the sewers. Beverly wakes up inside, and is tied to a chair. She notices Zombie standing next to her and asks what happens now. Zombie says that now, Beverly is going to act as bait. Beverly says that she is so sick of watching “Damsels in distress” situations, and there is no way she is going to be one. Zombie responds by kicking the chair over, making Beverly leaning sideways. Beverly yells that Zombie is going to go back to his grave. Zombie replies that is very unlikely, before stating that Tyler is not going to be the one to rescue her. Beverly asks who will be then.

We cut to the hotel, where Gale is meeting up with Mon-el and Kara. She tells them that she got a message from the Punisher, saying that he has kidnapped Beverly. Mon-el states that he figured that out around the same time that he realized that his car got stolen. Kara asks what they should do. Gale says that the message told her that she can try to come rescue him, if she brings two people with her, with the two people being Mon-el and Kara. Kara says that she hasn’t told Tyler about Beverly’s kidnapping, as she doesn’t want him to run into danger to rescue her.

Mon-el admits that he would likely do something like that if Tyler was kidnapped instead of Beverly. He asks if they are going to the abandoned hospital to get her back, and Kara reminds that Josie burned the place down. Gale then reveals that Beverly is being held captive somewhere in the sewers. She states that she is surprised that she never had to enter the sewers before, as it makes a pretty good horror environment. Kara suggests that maybe the Punisher’s lair is hidden somewhere in the sewers and asks if there were any Tarvender hideouts in the sewers.

Mon-el reminds Kara that he wasn’t around for the Tarvender vs Surfack war, so he wouldn’t know. Gale announces that their secondary objective is to find the Punisher’s lair, and their primary to rescue Tyler. The three survivors then head for the sewers. We cut to a few minutes later, when Gale, Mon-el and Kara all arrive in the sewers. They find a note at the sewer entrance, which states that Beverly is tied to a chair somewhere in the sewer tunnels. It also says that they have 10 minutes to find her, and if they don’t find Beverly by then, she will be killed. Kara suggests that they split up to cover more ground, but Gale argues that this will make them more vulnerable.

Mon-el states that they don’t have much of a choice, as they don’t know how large these tunnels might be and they are already wasting time by arguing. To save up time, Gale, Kara and Mon-el reluctantly agree to split up into three different paths through the sewers. In her path, Kara calls out for Beverly, but does not hear her. Eventually, however, she does encounter the Punisher blocking her path. She asks him where Beverly is. The Punisher states that he would like to talk about a decision that he has made. He reveals that he no longer wants to recruit Kara, and is only interested in Tyler.

When asked why, the Punisher explains that he believes Kara has become too confident and defiant. The Punisher adds that Tyler is more directly related to him and thus makes him love him more. Kara says that if the Punisher really loved Tyler, he would stop this and turn himself in. The Punisher states that he needs Tyler to himself, and he will love his new life at LOGS anyway. Kara says that Tyler doesn’t love him, and never will. The Punisher yells that he’s worked harder to gain his love than Kara ever did. Kara says that she fought her way through several killers to remain alive for him. The Punisher replies he’s killed about four times that number just to stay close to him.

Kara states that no matter what the Punisher does, he will never be a better father to Tyler than Bill. The Punisher replies that his death was the most important for him to do, and he’s glad that he did it. This confuses Kara, who says that Josie did it. The Punisher then reveals to Kara that he is Bill’s true killer and he framed Josie for it. This angers Kara to the point that she tries to tackle the Punisher, who pulls out a gun. He tells Kara that there will be time for a final showdown between them later, and tells her to turn left at gunpoint. Kara reluctantly follows his instructions.

Meanwhile, Gale is journeying through her part of the tunnels, looking around for Beverly. Just then, we see a shadowy figure coming up to Gale from behind. The figure sneaks behind Gale and stabs her straight in the back. She shrieks in pain and says “So this is what it feels like (Referring to Dewey always getting stabbed in the back)” We then see that the attacker was Kirby, comments that she loves stealth kills. Gale reminds Kirby that she is not dead yet. Kirby admits that she would love to finish her off now, but she’s gotta take her to Beverly. Gale says that she isn’t subdued yet, before kicking Kirby in the stomach. Kirby dodges a punch from Gale and gets a stab on her shoulder. She shrieks again, and Kirby says that she will stab her in the heart if she tries that again.

Gale, realizing that she is at a major disadvantage with her two stab wounds, stops resisting. Kirby then forces her to walk with her. Elsewhere, Mon-el is the only person who has not been attacked and is searching for Beverly. As he searches, Mon-el comes across the hidden door. When he knocks on it, the scanner activates and scans Mon-el. When it is finished, the scanner says “Identification denied. Go away, loser” Mon-el replies “What a rude computer” before continuing his search for Beverly. When he calls out for her, he hears muffled noises. Mon-el rushes toward the direction of the voice and finds Beverly, bound and gagged.

As he begins to release her, the Punisher and Kirby arrive with Kara and the injured Gale. Kirby says that now that they are all here, the real fun can begin. Just then, Zombie appears. He corrects Kirby, stating “NOW the fun can begin” The Punisher and Kirby shove Gale and Kara toward Mon-el and Beverly. Zombie tells everyone that only three of them are leaving the sewers tonight and takes the Punisher’s gun. He tosses two coins to the four survivors and says that they are going to play a game. Zombie explains that they will decide who goes in coin tosses.

The first round will be between Mon-el and Beverly, while Beverly and Kara go as well. The winners of these two coin flips will advance to the final round, where the loser will be tonight’s victim. Kara says that this is pretty much the most anticlimactic way to choose a victim ever. Kirby states that she finds it suspenseful. Beverly and Mon-el make their first flip, with Beverly choosing heads and Mon-el choosing tails. Mon-el tells Beverly that she is going to make it out of this, and he’ll make sure of it. The coin flips and lands on heads, making Beverly the loser of round one.

However, Mon-el falsely announces that the coin landed on tails, making him the loser. Mon-el signals for Beverly not to protest this decision, and she reluctantly does. Meanwhile, Kara chooses tails and Gale chooses heads. The coin flips and lands on heads. Gale tells Kara to take care of Tyler and make sure the killers never get their hands on him. Kara nods. In the second and final round, Gale and Mon-el are up, with Gale choosing heads and Mon-el choosing tails. Gale admits that she personally hopes Mon-el wins, as she doesn’t want Beverly to be without a legal guardian. Mon-el thanks her for the comment before flipping the coin. The coin lands on…

Heads. Gale admits that she kinda expected this. She looks to Kara, Mon-el and Beverly, who are sad that Gale is the one to go. Gale says that she had a good life while it lasted and states that the others have much more to live for than her. She tells them to go and stay alive. Kara promises to tell Sidney of Gale’s sacrifice and make sure everyone else survives. She, Mon-el and Kara watch as Zombie raises his gun. Zombie asks Gale for any last words. She opens her mouth, but Zombie interrupts by shooting her in the throat. Gale collapses to the ground, and Zombie shoots her four more times in the chest. Gale Weathers-Riley, the secondary final girl of the Scream movie franchise, the famous reporter, and wife of Dewey Riley, is dead.

Kara, Mon-el and Beverly watch in sadness as Zombie murders Gale. Mon-el swears that Sidney will make him regret that. Zombie replies that he has their final showdown all planned out. He then tells the three survivors to go before he changes his mind about sparing them. As they leave, Kirby says that it’s a shame that she couldn’t slaughter them. The Punisher says that they will soon enough, but Zombie will have his turn first. He tells Zombie that since all of the Woodsboro survivors are now dead except for Sidney, it would be a good time to make his final showdown soon. Zombie agrees with this and says that his long awaited revenge is finally coming. He takes out a photo of him with Sidney and two other people, whose faces are scratched out. Zombie stabs the photo with his knife. Smash to black.

Episode 7[]

We open on the next morning after Gale’s death, at the hotel, where Sidney is in her room. By this point, Sidney has heard about Gale’s death and is distraught over being the sole member remaining of the Woodsboro survivors. Mon-el and Beverly are with her, being the only witnesses with Gale’s death. They tell Sidney that Gale died a hero. Sidney says it’s her job as a survivor to make sure that she and her friends her survive, and she has failed utterly. Mon-el tells Sidney that it’s her actual job, and there is no way Sidney could have predicted this. Sidney admits that she has grown tired of having to deal with killers and just wants this to end, as she has pretty much nothing left to lose at this point.

Suddenly, Sidney’s phone begins ringing; it’s titled as Unknown; meaning it is Zombie. Sidney answers and asks to know why Zombie did this to Gale. Zombie replies that every single death that he has committed is her fault, and she has nobody to blame but herself. Sidney tells Zombie that she has been through this too much to fall for that. She tells him that he’s made her suffer enough, and it’s time that he faces her. Zombie agrees and tells Sidney that they could end this now. He proposes that she head on over to Kirby’s old house back in Woodsboro, where they will have their final showdown, and Sidney will face the horrifying truth of Zombie Ghostface.

Sidney accepts and says that it this ends here, before hanging up. Mon-el and Beverly ask Sidney if she is sure about this. Sidney states that there is nobody here anymore that could dissuade her from going. Realizing that Sidney is serious, Mon-el and Beverly allow her go, and tell her to be careful. Sidney replies that she is always is, before leaving. Beverly says that she hopes Sidney can handle this. Mon-el expresses confidence that she can. Beverly then thanks Mon-el for taking the blame in the coin toss and asks why he did it. Mon-el admits that Beverly reminds him of his younger sister.

Beverly asks if this was a reason that he became her legal guardian. Mon-el confesses that is the reason, as his younger sister has been long dead. Beverly who his younger sister was. Mon-el admits that her name was Natalie, and she was only a baby when she died. Beverly gives her condolences to him and asks how she died. She adds that Mon-el can keep it to himself if he wants, but he feels the need to tell her. Before we get to hear Mon-el’s story about Natalie, the scene switches to Sidney about an hour later. She is getting off a bus at a bus stop in Woodsboro.

Sidney walks through town, taking a last sight around the place. As she walks, Sidney comes across her old house, and she has a brief flashback of her discovering her mother’s corpse on the ground, the death that started it all. Sidney tells herself that despite Maureen’s flaws, she was a good mother. She continues walking throughout town and eventually reaches Kirby’s house, which has been abandoned since the murders six years ago. Sidney takes off her shoes, goes inside, and looks around for Zombie. As she does, Sidney has brief flashbacks to Jill and Charlie revealing themselves to her. Eventually, she finds Zombie standing the exact same spot where Jill took off her mask.

Sidney asks Zombie if they can skip the shitty monologue and get to the part where she kicks his ass. Zombie replies that Sidney would be very interested in hearing his monologue first. Sidney tells Zombie, whom he calls Charlie, that she didn’t even know him. Zombie laughs, before stating that he is not “that loser (Charlie)” and he only took his corpse as a way to distract Sidney. He also mentions that he burnt Charlie’s corpse. Sidney asks who he is then. Zombie’s response is to remove his cloak, which reveals a familiar set of clothes. He then removes his mask. We first see Sidney’s reaction, which is one of absolute horror and surprise. Then, we see Zombie’s face. Zombie Ghostface is…

JILL ROBERTS! Her lips slowly from into the sadistic smile that we once came to know and love. Jill takes out a phone, clicks on the Ghostface app and puts on her mouth. She then says the classic “SURPRISE SIDNEY!” before tossing the phone aside. Sidney says that there is no way that this can be happening. Jill says that it is. Sidney reminds Jill that she shot her in the death. Jill then reveals that Sidney shot her JUST below the heart, and she had “help” in surviving. Sidney asks who the hell would help her. Jill replies “my father” She reveals that she had a secret partner who helped her plan out the killing spree, including giving her the suggestion to manipulate Charlie. Sidney asks if this secret partner was her father, which Jill confirms.

Sidney says that Kate told her that Jill’s father abandoned her at birth. Jill says that just like her sister, Kate was always hiding secrets. Jill asks if she knows the name of her father, and Sidney says no. Jill smirks, before revealing that her father is GENERAL AKANTHUS, which shocks Sidney. Jill explains that Akanthus got in contact with her, intending to recruit her into LOGS after she killed Sidney. Akanthus provided a backup plan in case Jill failed. Akanthus was working as a doctor in the Woodsboro hospital at that time, and he took over Jill’s autopsy. In the autopsy, he cut the bullet out of Jill and nursed her back to health. Sidney asks how nobody noticed she was still alive.

Jill then reveals that Akanthus gave away a body double, who looked almost exactly like Jill. She comments that they were like “twins” Jill also admits that she’s been hiding out with Akanthus at LOGS ever since, and she eventually joined Josie in Midvale in hopes of luring Gale in, which she knew would draw Sidney as well. Sidney asks what the point of all this is, as Jill’s whole motivation was getting famous and now all of that is ruined, as everyone thinks she’s dead. Jill’s lips curve into a devilish sinister smile as she chuckles quietly, as if she has some inside joke. Jill then begins a monologue.

JILL: You really think I murdered all of your friends for fame? If you do, you need to get a fucking grip on reality. This has nothing to do with me getting famous. This is about YOU ALWAYS BEING BETTER THAN ME! (At this point, her eyes are filled with fury). I was always in your shadow Sidney, and the one chance I have to turn my life up, you RUIN IT! You went and fucking SURVIVED (Jill kicks Sidney in the gut, anger building up inside of her)! I just want you dead now Sidney, now its revenge. You had everything Sidney, EVERYTHING! Fame was the only thing I wanted! To be recognized for something! I couldn’t even be famous for being a killer either. Everyone forgot about me the moment you came out of that fucking stretcher!

Sidney yells that Jill is insane, before stating she never even wanted this. She says that all she wanted to be a normal teenage girl, living a life without fame and without murder. Sidney laments that she would have been fine without the publicity, without the attention and without popularity. She tells Jill that she isn’t even worthy of praise, because all she is a “jealous psycho bitch” Sidney also mentions that Jill had a mother who loved her. Jill mentions that she never even cared about Kate, after she found out that she drove Akanthus away after discovering his taste for murder. Sidney tells Jill that she is done listening to killers blame her for everything and if she wants her dead, she should have done it years ago. Jill responds with “What do you think I’m doing right now!?” before pulling out her knife.

She rushes to stab Sidney, who dodges the swing of the knife. Sidney smashes a nearby glass panel and takes a glass shard. As Jill charges, Sidney stabs her in the gut. Jill screams and yells that Sidney is a bitch. Sidney replies “Better than being a wannabe!” Sidney kicks Jill in the face and repeatedly punches her in the face. It’s clear that Sidney is not holding anything back against her cousin. Jill punches Sidney several times in the face back. Sidney spin kicks Jill in the face twice and kicks the knife out of her hand. Jill quickly picks her knife back up and slashes at Sidney, who dodges most of the blows. However, Jill does get a stab on Sidney’s side. She shrieks in pain, and Jill smirks at the sound.

Sidney runs into the kitchen, where she picks up a beer bottle and throws it at Jill, stunning her. She then runs up to Jill and kicks her directly in the face. Jill simply refuses to stay down and gets up. She tells Sidney that she asked Akanthus to make her more pain tolerant, which she already was back in Scream 4. Jill then kicks Sidney in her stab wound, which hurts. She picks up her knife and stabs at Sidney again, getting a slice on her arm. Jill then punches Sidney in the face, with all of her strength, breaking her nose. Sidney sucks up the pain and kicks Jill in the stomach, before punching her in the face, which breaks her nose as well.

Clearly, both of them are badly wounded and battle torn at this point, with Jill having more strength left than Sidney. Suddenly, Sidney notices the house’s stove and gets an idea. She turns it on. Jill, not paying attention to this, charges toward Sidney in another attempt to stab her. Sidney grabs her head, which she slams into the active and extremely hot stove. Before Sidney is able do this, Jill is able to get another stab on Sidney’s shoulder. When her head touches the stove, Jill’s face gets set on fire, causing her to scream horribly. She drops the ground and burns in agony. As Sidney watches this, she feels sorta bad for the intense pain her cousin is going through.

She picks her Jill’s knife and decides to give her a mercy killing. Sidney then throws the knife into a burning Jill’s head. Jill Roberts, daughter of Kate Roberts and General Akanthus, cousin of Sidney Prescott, and the Zombie Ghostface, is dead. Sidney notices that her multiple wounds are severe, and she is bleeding. Sidney tries to reach for Jill’s phone to call for help. Just then, a boot stomps on and destroys the phone. Sidney looks up to find AKANTHUS there, with Wesley. Akanthus tells Sidney that she just ruined six valuable years of planning by winning this fight, though there was a backup. Akanthus reveals that he plans to kill Sidney himself, as Jill told him to do so in her place if she failed. Wesley, who has a gun, asks Akanthus if he should kill Sidney, but Akanthus wants to do it personally.

Sidney, having just been through a very brutal battle to the death, is in no condition to fight, but she has no choice. Akanthus blocks a punch from Sidney and punches her back. It’s hard enough for Sidney to cough up blood. Sidney punches and kicks Akanthus, doing everything she can to hurt him. This isn’t enough because she is weak, and Akanthus’ armor is blocking all pain Sidney’s blows could do to him. He knees Sidney in the chest and punches her several more times. Sidney is a bloody and bruised mess by the end of it. Akanthus tells Sidney that she’s lost, before noticing the stove, which is still on. Sidney tells him to stay away from Kara and Tyler.

Akanthus states that he’s not the one he should be telling that to, before saying that Sidney may have defeated her cousin and half-brother, but now she will be finally put by down by her uncle in law. She tells her that she’s going to suffer the fate as Jill. Akanthus then slams Sidney’s face on the stove, causing her face to get set on fire. Sidney is in total agony as her face melts, with Wesley and Akanthus watching. Unlike Jill, Wesley and Akanthus do not give her a mercy killing and instead watch her suffer. Eventually, Sidney goes limp and Wesley shoots her in the head, stating “Final girls don’t get final scares” Sidney Prescott, the final girl of the Scream movie franchise, cousin of Jill Roberts, and daughter of Neil and Maureen Prescott, is dead.

Akanthus looks over to Jill’s corpse and says that she could have been so valuable to LOGS if she stayed longer, just like her sister has been to them. Just then, ELEKTRA NATCHIOS, a very attractive woman and master assassin of LOGS, comes in. Elektra, who is Jill’s older sister and Akanthus’ other daughter, says that it was really nice to have Jill around and it’s a shame that she is dead. Elektra also states that she wishes Akanthus had saved Sidney for her, so that she could stab her a lot with her twin sais (Note: if you don’t know what that what weapon is, look it up). Akanthus comments that Elektra could just stab her corpse. Elektra then stabs Sidney’s corpse several times. She then comments that felt very satisfying. Akanthus says that he always loved Elektra’s killer instincts, and he, Wesley and Elektra leave. Cut to black.

Episode 8[]

We open a week after the last episode, at which point Kirby and the Punisher are in their lair again. They are talking on the main computer screen to Fisk, who tells them that it’s time to resume their killing spree. The Punisher asks why they needed that one week break. Fisk reminds that them that it was because Jill died, which was unexpected. Kirby admits that she misses Jill, who was crucial to her becoming a killer. Fisk says that is looking forward to seeing how this all plays out and cuts the transmission. Kirby asks the Punisher that if it is time for “the big kill” Before the Punisher can reply, he receives a security alert on the computer. He investigates and sees Mon-el outside his lair.

Mon-el is wearing a Jon Bernthal mask to try to fool the computer scanner into letting him inside. The scanner doesn’t fall for it and calls him a “loser” Kirby and the Punisher laugh at Mon-el’s failure from inside. Mon-el hears their laughing and yells that they won’t be laughing for long, before leaving. Kirby wonders if he’ll ever find a way inside their lair. The Punisher comments that if he does, Mon-el will be able to easily figure out his identity, considering all of the evidence in here. Kirby says that this will all be ending soon, so Mon-el will not have enough time.

We cut to the Danvers household, where Mon-el is arriving, and is greeted by Kara, Alex, Beverly and Tyler. Kara asks if his idea to get into the Punisher’s lair worked. Mon-el says that it failed, and there is no way to bypass the scanner unless the Punisher wants you to. Beverly asks what they should do now. Alex says that they are going to have to wait for the Punisher’s final move and think of killer theories. Kara says that she has one. When Tyler asks what, Kara wonders if someone could have faked their death, like Jill did. Everyone ponders about this theory.

Mon-el comments that LOGS members have done that before, and the Punisher would be no exception. Tyler asks who would fake their death though. Beverly says that it would have be someone close to Tyler and Kara, or someone who was secretly close to Tyler, hiding their affection. Everyone ponders about this, until Kara notices that she has to go the bathroom. When she goes inside, she finds that Wesley is in there, holding a gun. He tells her to sit down with him, or he shoots. Kara opens her mouth. Wesley says that he even thinks about screaming, he will shoot her in the head. Kara decides not to take the chance and asks Wesley what he is doing here.

Wesley asks Kara how he knows him, and she reveals that Mon-el has mentioned him before, then repeats her question. Wesley says that Fisk sent him down here to give her info about the Punisher. Kara asks why Fisk would do that. Wesley claims that Fisk has a certain dislike for the Punisher, and tells him that he’s defied Fisk before. He also says that Fisk would like to kidnap Tyler on his own, as he believes that Tyler would be more loyal to LOGS that way. Kara says that she isn’t buying this. Wesley says that he is offering information, and if Kara wants or not is up to her. Kara tells Wesley that he has five seconds to say something useful.

Wesley tells Kara that someone has been lying to her and Tyler about how they really feel. He says that their whole purpose of getting into their lives has been lied to. Kara asks who he is talking about. Wesley replies “Who has never talked to you or Tyler before until he first came into town?’ Kara realizes that he is referring to Mon-el and immediately accuses him of lying, as she saw him with the Punisher in the sewers. In response, Wesley claims that it was a decoy dressed up as the Punisher to cover for him. Kara realizes that this explanation makes perfect sense, but then points out he was at the Punisher’s lair. Wesley chuckles and says “So he claims”

Kara says that she is not listening to this anymore and Wesley and Fisk can both go to hell. Wesley says that he figured Kara would respond like that. Before leaving out a window, Wesley reveals that he is an expert sniper and advises her to “watch out” He says that whenever a top operative of LOGS is killed, such as the Punisher, Fisk does not take that lightly. Wesley then exits out the window. Kara feels conflicted about Wesley’s statement, as he made up some good explanations for Mon-el’s scenes with the Punisher and he seemed calm. On the other hand, Kara knows he is trying to be manipulative. She goes back downstairs to rejoin the others.

Kara does not mention her meeting with Wesley, but doesn’t accuse Mon-el of anything. She asks him how Fisk would respond if the Punisher was killed. Mon-el replies that Fisk would likely be very angered and admits this is a reason why he wants everyone to join Surfack, as a way of being protected from Fisk’s wrath. Beverly says that protection sounds good, and Mon-el can count her in after they defeat the Punisher. Kara, using Mon-el ties to Surfack as a way to ward off Wesley’s claims, says that she wants to be with him. In response, Mon-el leans forward and kisses Kara, who is slightly surprised, but goes along with it.

We cut to later that night at the house, around midnight. Kara and Mon-el are asleep upstairs, while Tyler is also asleep. Alex is on the night shift, staying up on the couch in case the Punisher tries to break in the house, having her gun with her. It is raining and thundering outside, like bad weather. Just then, she sees a dark figure knocking on the window. Alex whips out her gun, just before the figure disappears from view. Alex looks out the window and sees the figure, which sees notices is the Punisher, circling to the back of the house. She goes to the back door and opens it, hoping to ambush and gun down the Punisher. Instead, the Punisher is quick enough to knock the gun out of her hand. He then throws Alex against a tree.

Lightning strikes in the distance, making the Punisher look cool. Also, the rain makes Alex and the Punisher’s hair go down. Alex tells the Punisher “Ok, if I can handle three killing sprees, then I can handle a skinny wannabe villain in a Halloween costume” The Punisher replies “Who you calling skinny?” before charging at Alex, who punches him and claws his mask with her nails. The Punisher, pissed off at the damage done to his mask, breaks Alex’s nose with only one punch and headbutts her head against the tree. Alex, disoriented, punches the Punisher in the face. The Punisher remarks that Alex hits like a bitch before slamming her head against the tree again.

The Punisher repeatedly slams her head against the tree until it is totally bloodied and bashed in. Alex Danvers, older sister of Kara Danvers, older daughter of Bill and Elisa Danvers, and secondary final girl of the story, is dead. The Punisher then drags her corpse to the front door, enters the house, and puts Alex inside. The Punisher then goes to Tyler’s room, where he is sound asleep. He carefully picks him up and takes him outside, where the rain and lightning wakes him up. Before he can act, the Punisher locks him in his car trunk. The Punisher tells Tyler that it’s just about over, before driving away towards the sewers. As he drives away, we see that Beverly has witnessed this kidnapping. Unable to catch up to the car, she rushes in the house to inform Kara and Mon-el. Cut to black.

Episode 9[]

We open right after the last episode left off, with Beverly rushing inside the house to tell Kara and Mon-el about Tyler’s kidnapping. When she goes inside, she notices Alex’s corpse and screams. Kara and Mon-el hear this and get out of bed. Mon-el spots Alex’s body first and tries to shield Kara from the gruesome sight. He fails and Kara spots her corpse. She screams and starts sobbing, hugging her sister’s corpse, which gets Alex’s blood on Kara. Beverly doesn’t want to interrupt Kara mourning for her sister, but she knows she has to tell her about Tyler. She hesitates in saying something until Mon-el notices Tyler is not around.

Beverly lets it out and tells them that the Punisher took Tyler, and most likely killed Alex as well. Mon-el says that the Punisher must be getting ready to finish this. Kara looks up and stands. She tells Mon-el that the Punisher just crossed the line, but Kara isn’t going after him; Supergirl is. She goes to her closet and puts on her Supergirl costume. With a determined look on her face, Supergirl announces that she will not lose anyone else to the Punisher and they are going to find a way to his lair. Mon-el and Beverly agree to rescue Tyler, and Mon-el says that he may have an idea on how to get in the lair.

We cut to about 10 minutes later at the sewer tunnel, where Mon-el, Beverly and Supergirl are arriving. Mon-el leads them to the door and tells them that they aren’t getting through there. He then shows them a small crack in the wall, which breaches the lair. Mon-el explains that he and Supergirl will be unable to fit through the crack, but maybe Beverly can. Beverly decides to try it and goes in the crack. With Supergirl and Mon-el’s support, Beverly squeezes through. Before she goes in, Mon-el instructs her to find a way to open the door from the inside.

Beverly takes off her shoes and quietly tip-toes through the Punisher’s lair, staying the shadows. She heads toward the main computer, which is on. Beverly also notices the Punisher and Kirby, who are talking about Tyler. Kirby asks the Punisher if he thinks that Tyler, who is tied up in another room, will submit willingly. The Punisher says that he has this all planned out. As they talk, Beverly reaches the computer and finds the controls for the door, which she opens. This allows Supergirl and Mon-el to enter the lair and confront the two killers. Beverly opens a supply crate, takes out a hammer, and joins her friends.

The Punisher says that he noticed that hole in the wall weeks ago, and he figured Beverly would try to use it. He then tells Kirby to go Tyler, which she does. Supergirl tells the Punisher to stop playing games with him and let him go. The Punisher unties Tyler and then claims that he will never want to leave him. Mon-el asks what makes him think that. The Punisher says that it’s because once Tyler sees who he is, he will never leave him again. Tyler asks what he means by “again” In response, the Punisher removes his mask. We see Tyler’s reaction, which is filled with shock. The Punisher is…

WINN SCHOTT. Mon-el, Supergirl, Beverly and Tyler are all stunned to see him alive. Kirby says that “Jill isn’t the only zombie here, wish I could be one” Winn says that maybe they’ll fake her death someday, before asking if Tyler missed him. Tyler says that he saw him die. Winn reveals that he had Kirby dress up as him and force Tyler to choose him. He also admits that his head was sticking out of the wall and the saw blade cut up a fake body, which is also why he had Kirby take away his body to prevent an autopsy from revealing the truth. Winn then asks Tyler if he’s happy to see him.

Tyler is so stunned by this revelation that he doesn’t know what to say, except for the word “Why?” Winn asks Supergirl if Bill ever told her the story of his brother, Daniel Rollins, which he did last season. Supergirl says yes and remembers that Daniel died. Winn then reveals that he actually IS Daniel Rollins. We cut to a flashback of the fire that “killed” Daniel. Winn/Daniel explains that Akanthus was at the building that was burning down, and he rescued him just before it exploded. He was presumed dead by Surfack, but taken to safety by Akanthus.

As he recovered, Akanthus convinced him to join over to Tarvender and blame Bill and Surfack for seemingly abandoning him. Supergirl tries to tell Daniel that Bill had to escape without him, but Daniel isn’t having any of it. Daniel admits that he adopted the name “the Punisher” to punisher Bill and everyone who has ever wrong him. He also adopted the same “Winn Schott” to ensure that nobody knew who he was. Daniel then turns to Tyler and pats him. He says that he would never hurt his son and asks him to rejoin his father. Tyler turns to his cousin and his father, and is unsure of who to choose.

Supergirl tells Tyler that he knows not to trust Daniel and says that she’s been taking care of him ever since Alex rescued him. Daniel asks Tyler to remember when he faked his death and wonders if he could live with the pain of losing his father for the second time. He admits that this the reason that he faked his death, to show Tyler the pain of losing him. Daniel says that he just needs to do one thing in order to join him. He gives Tyler a knife and tells him to stab Supergirl. Beverly then reveals to Tyler that Alex is dead, which horrifies him. Daniel insists that he needed to get rid of Alex so that they could be together. He says that he murdered dozens of people to be with him, unlike Alex.

Tyler is sweating and crying at this point, unable to make a decision. Mon-el tells Tyler that survivors are family, not killers. Kirby scoffs at this and tells Tyler that he’d have so much fun being a killer, than being “some lame-o survivor” Suddenly, Tyler stops crying. He says that he does like to have fun and smiles devilishly. Tyler then announces that LOGS is his new home and hugs Daniel, which devastates Supergirl, Beverly and Mon-el. Daniel says that he’s doing so well and now all he has to do is kill Supergirl, after which they will be together again. Supergirl begs Tyler to listen to reason. Tyler says ‘I’m sorry”, before raising the knife and plunging downwards. Supergirl closes her eyes, unwilling to fight back.

However, Supergirl hears a male scream and opens her eyes. It turns out that Tyler stabbed Daniel in the stomach. Tyler says that he is a Danvers, and he will never join LOGS. This infuriates Daniel to the point that he smacks Tyler, who hits his head on the floor and becomes unconscious. Supergirl rushes at the Punisher, yelling “DON’T YOU HURT MY LITTLLE BROTHER!” At this point, although Supergirl knows Tyler is her cousin, he is a brother to her. Supergirl decks Daniel in the face. He is surprised by the strength she is showing despite her being younger and shorter than him. Mon-el also joins Supergirl in engaging Daniel.

Kirby tries to help him, but Beverly comes up with her hammer and smacks Kirby with it. Kirby says that she really hates hammers, before trying to disarm Beverly, which she successfully does. Beverly, infuriated, goes to another supply crate, where she finds a machete. As Kirby is about to throw a punch on Beverly, Beverly swings the machete down and severs Kirby’s left hand. Kirby, furious, yells that was her favorite hand. Beverly tells Kirby “Then HANDle it!” before swinging the machete at her more. Kirby, seeing that she is bleeding and injured, goes “fuck this” and decides to retreat. Daniel shouts at her to come back and help him, which she does not. Daniel laments that he has to do everything around here.

Beverly, Mon-el and Supergirl all engage Daniel at once. Despite being outnumbered three to one, Daniel demonstrates that he is not easy at all to take down. He breaks Mon-el’s nose with one punch, head-butts Supergirl and pokes Beverly in the eye. Beverly is shrieking in pain. Mon-el, angry with seeing Beverly hurt, punches Daniel hard enough to break his nose. Mon-el says it’s “nose for nose” now. Daniel, even more infuriated, jumps on top of Mon-el and tries strangling him. Supergirl jumps on his back and kicks him off. Daniel grabs her and throws her against a wall. He dodges a punch from Mon-el and elbows him in the back.

As he does this, Beverly comes up and strikes him in the back with the machete. Daniel, screaming in pain, rips out the machete and does a backwards headbutt on Beverly. Mon-el and Supergirl punch and kick at Daniel, who dodges some of their hits, but has a harder time. They begin to overpower the Punisher, who pulls out a knife and stabs Mon-el in the side. He then headbutts him unconscious. Supergirl spin-kicks Daniel in the face. She goes for a second one, but he grabs her foot and throws her to the side. Just then, Beverly jumps on Daniel and repeatedly punches him in the back.

Daniel manages to throw her off, but loses even more of his energy. He knees Beverly in the face. Supergirl lifts her legs up and repeatedly kicks Daniel in the groin and face on the ground. This is enough to knock him down. Supergirl jumps up and stamps on Daniel’s face, breaking his jaw. Daniel, despite being in complete agony, pulls Supergirl to the ground and starts and strangles her. He is using all of his remaining strength to do this, and Supergirl is unable to force him off of her. She begins losing her breath, and Daniel is about to win. However, a spear suddenly gets thrown into Daniel’s chest. He gasps and blood starts coming out of his mouth. Daniel collapses and looks to see who threw the spear: TYLER.

He looks down at his dying father, who asks for a last request. Daniel asks that he spend his final moments with Tyler, alone. Supergirl tells Tyler that it’s his choice, and Tyler chooses to do it. He asks Beverly, Mon-el and Supergirl to wait outside. Mon-el is nervous about this, but Supergirl wants Tyler to do what he wants, and the trio reluctantly wait outside. After apologizing for smacking him, the dying Daniel asks why Tyler had to stab and betray him. Tyler says that he never wanted to be a killer and Daniel should have just respected his son’s wishes. Daniel tells Tyler that he was making a mistake by not joining him.

He tells him that they could have been the best of killers, killing so many people together and being together. Tyler tells Daniel that he never wanted to be a killer and he simply wanted to live a quiet life with his family, not be a murderer. He tells him that Bill thought he was dead and leaving him behind was one of his biggest regrets of his life. Daniel says that he might have gone a bit overboard with killing almost everyone Tyler loves. Tyler replies “You think?” Daniel admits that he probably shouldn’t have tried to force Tyler into LOGS, and it’s inevitable that he’ll join Surfack now.

He says that if he can’t have Tyler, then he wants him to be happy without him. Daniel asks he stick up for himself, let nobody tell him what to do and be his own man, like Daniel was. Tyler reminds him that Fisk gave him orders, and Daniel admits that even he has limits. He says that if Tyler can’t be a LOGS, then he can be a Surfack. Daniel asks him to be as powerful as him someday and survive without him, saying that his goal of giving Tyler a good life could be passed on to Supergirl and Beverly. Tyler promises to stay alive.

Daniel says that he has one more question. He asks if Tyler really loved him and if he will miss him. Tyler admits that he did love Daniel, was reluctant to kill him, and will miss him despite everything that he’s done. Daniel smiles at this, and tells Tyler that he did succeed in part of his main goal: making Tyler a killer, though not in the way he intended. Tyler shakes his head. He tells Daniel that there could still be time, and offers to call an ambulance for him. Daniel, however, refuses to be healed. He tells Tyler that he would like to die a free man, rather than face certain life in prison or execution. Daniel then pulls the spear out of his chest and begins to bleed to death.

He asks if Tyler can hold his hand. Tyler, feeling remorse, holds his father’s hand. Daniel gazes at Tyler for the last time before closing his eyes. Winn Schott/Daniel Rollins, brother of Bill Rollins, father of Tyler Danvers, and the Punisher killer, is finally dead. Tyler holds Daniel’s body and mourns for him, missing him already and knowing that he is a killer now, though not a murderer. Kara, Mon-el and Beverly return to comfort Tyler, who asks everyone to say that he had to do it. Beverly swears to Tyler that he had to do it, as does Mon-el and Kara, which Tyler grimly accepts.

We cut to three weeks later. Tyler, Kara, Beverly and Mon-el are all gathering at the Danvers household. Tyler tells Mon-el that he’s ready to embrace the inevitable and be a Surfack. Mon-el asks if he sure that he doesn’t need more time to recover. Kara points out that there are probably some therapists at Surfack that could help out. Mon-el admits that Surfack isn’t an army anymore, but made up of survivors from various killing sprees. Still, they probably could help comfort Kara and Tyler if they need it. Just then, Tyler notices a red laser pointed at the side of Beverly’s head. Mon-el looks out a window, where Wesley has a sniper rifle some distance away. It’s clear that Fisk sent him here to kill a survivor, as retaliation for the Punisher’s death.

As he is preparing to do this, Kirby asks him through a walkie talkie why she couldn’t have been the one to avenge the loss of her hand. Wesley replies that Fisk chose him to avenge the Punisher, not her hand. He then opens fire, but Tyler sees this coming and pushes Beverly out of the way, just as the bullet enters through the window and goes toward Tyler, in slow motion. Mon-el and Kara have no time to react to the bullet. The bullet comes so close to hitting Tyler that it cuts across and wounds the side of his face, but he is not killed. However, Kara, who is standing directly behind Tyler, is shot in the head. Kara Danvers, the final girl of the trilogy, also known as Supergirl, sister of Alex Danvers, daughter of Elisa and Bill Danvers, and girlfriend of Kenny Rhee and Mon-el, is dead. Wesley, satisfied with killing Kara rather than Beverly, contacts Fisk on his walkie talkie and says “Jackpot” Smash to black.

Fun Facts[]

Confirmed Facts[]

  • There will be 9 episodes.
    • The first episode will focus entirely on the Punisher and Kirby as they are introduced to LOGS.
  • The Punisher and Zombie will both be revealed this season.
    • Zombie will be revealed in episode 7.
    • The Punisher will be revealed in the finale.
    • Though Akanthus isn't revealed, there is a major revelation about him late in the season.
  • Two of the three main killers will die, but one will survive.
  • Akanthus and Wesley will perform one kill this season.
  • Many survivors will die.
  • Tyler will be emotionally and mentally challenged this season, with the full attention of the Punisher now that there are no longer any killers to distract him.
  • Zombie's reveal will be VERY shocking and unexpected.
  • There will only be four survivors.
  • Fisk's children will make a brief cameo this season.
    • They will have bigger roles in other stories.

What Would Have Happened[]

  • There were going to be more new characters, but I figured I should save them for my next trilogy.
  • Winn was going to survive longer, but I figured that he didn't too much to do at that point.
  • Judy was originally going to be the opening victim.
  • Fisk and Akanthus were going to be the only leaders, but I figured I should expand LOGS more.
  • Gale was going to last longer, but I figured her death would set up the final showdown with Zombie and Sidney.
  • Jill and Sidney were going to kill each other, but I figured it would be a better way to show off Akanthus by having him kill Sidney.
  • I considered Alex dying earlier, but I figured she should last near the end.
  • I wanted the Punisher to make the Punisher someone other than Winn, but I figured that he was the best person to make the Punisher.
  • I REALLY wanted Kara to survive the trilogy, but I figured it would demonstrate how LOGS doesn't tolerate survivors winning and there should be only 3 survivors.
    • Also, Beverly will now take the Supergirl costume in the final chapter.
  • The sons/daughters of a LOGS leader were originally Talia and Nyssa Al Ghul, but I changed it for story purposes.

Body Count[]

# Victim COD Killer EP
1 Mysterious Character Brutal and Torturous death The Punisher and Kirby Reed 1
2 Lunatic #2 Stabbed in the forehead The Punisher 1
3 Lunatic #5 Throat slit The Punisher 1
4 Lunatic #4 Stabbed once in the groin and twice in the chest Kirby Reed 1
5 Lunatic #3 Stabbed in the face with a mop handle Kirby Reed 1
6 Lunatic #7 Eye poked and stabbed twice in the throat The Punisher 1
7 Lunatic #1 Head bashed in with a fire extinquisher Kirby Reed 1
8 Lunatic #6 Gutted The Punisher and Kirby Reed 1
X Winn Schott/Daniel Rollins (The Punisher) *FAKE DEATH* Torn in half by a saw blade Tyler Danvers (Caused by Kirby Reed, dressed as the Punisher) 2
9 Judy Hicks Stabbed in the shoulder and shot in the head Zombie and the Punisher 4
10 Gale Weathers-Riley Shot in the throat and four times in the chest Zombie 6
11 Jill Roberts (Zombie) Face burnt on stove and stabbed in the head Sidney Prescott 7
12 Sidney Prescott Stabbed several times, beaten and face burnt on stove Jill Roberts and General Akanthus 7
13 Alex Danvers Head bashed against a tree The Punisher 8
14 Winn Schott/Daniel Rollins (The Punisher) *REAL DEATH* Stabbed in the stomach, beaten and spear thrown into chest Mon-el, Beverly Marsh, Kara and Tyler Danvers 9
15 Kara Danvers (Supergirl) Shot in the head James Wesley (on Fisk's orders) 9


The Punisher[]

Identity Winn Schott/Daniel Rollins
Description The Punisher is continuing his mission to destroy everyone close to Kara and Tyler. After proving himself to Fisk and Akanthus, the Punisher resumes his mission to make Tyler join him, now holding absolutely nothing back. He will finally be revealed in the finale.
Motive Is Daniel Rollins, Bill's brother, and wanted to kill him for supposedly leaving him to die. He mainly wanted to recruit Tyler to LOGS and have him for himself as well.
Status Deceased

Zombie Ghostface[]

Identity Jill Roberts
Desciption Since the events of last season, Zombie now works alongside the Punisher and Kirby in their mission to kill the survivors and recruit Tyler. He will focus far more on Sidney this season, and will be revealed in episode 7.
Motive She was nursed back to health by Akanthus after Scream 4 and wanted revenge on Sidney for ruining her plans for fame.
Status Deceased


Identity Kirby Reed
Description Kirby has joined the Punisher and by extension LOGS since last season. She has been overjoyed to meet other killers and returns even crazier than before.
Motive Became insane after the events of Scream 4 and developed an obsession with murder.
Status Alive and escaped


# Character Survivor Status
1 Beverly Marsh Final Girl
2 Tyler Danvers Final Boy
3 Mike "Mon-el Matthews Secondary Final Boy